My name is Jeff Remer. I grew up in rural West Marin, surrounded by old growth Redwoods, Douglas Fir, Madrone, and Live Oak. In 2015 my wife, Molly, and I moved to Bend, Oregon where we live with our dog Poppy and cat Douglas Fur.
My primary interest is in chair making, particularly Windsor and staked furniture including tables, benches, and stools. While I often make other smaller items such as boxes, tools, kitchen and other household items, chairs occupy the majority of my mental and physical energy.
If you are interested in having me build you something like a chair please visit the commissions page, otherwise smaller items may occasionally be available in the shop.
A note regarding design and originality:
I do not sell my own work that is based on the designs of others unless that design is well known to be free in the public domain (classic furniture forms) or permission has been specifically granted to me. Work featured on this website is of my own design unless otherwise specified.